Thursday, August 2, 2007


So, as the fabrics come in I am making pages for our daughter's memory/ wish book. I am preserving the cards and swatches of fabrics so that as she gets older she will have this to know how much she was treasured and loved before she even reached us. The wishes and sentiments have been a real treat for my husband and myself to open and reflect upon. It always amazes us how each individual brings something unique to this project. Last Saturday I spent a large part of the day re-organizing where we were and doing the pages, taking pictures and updating the blog. When I was done I sat down with my husband to review the book and re-read the stories that had come in. I made a comment that she will see the book when she is much older and can appreciate what is inside. And then my husband made the most profound statement.... "No, these will be her bed time stories and everyday picture book. She will know this book by heart shortly because we will read her this all the time. She will see the pictures of the cards and fabrics and ask questions and tell us stories that she has created for herself in the pages." I had never thought of it that way but he is so right. So, thank you to everyone who is collaborating with me!

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